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Tuesday 16th Jul 2024



In the context of changing world scenario towards organically produced Food, organic farming is gaining importance world wide. India, as a result of "Green Revolution" has attained self sufficiency in food grain production and is able to feed the 1.2 billion mouths. But this has definitely led to overexploitation of our natural resources and indiscriminate use of chemicals for cultivation. With food safety concerns looming large, we have to definitely take a stand on sustainable agriculture by adopting organic farming methods especially in food crops.

Realizing this, the following announcement was made by the Hon’ble Minister for agriculture on the floor of the assembly during the Agriculture Demand on 19.04.2012 regarding Organic Farming policy of the State.

This announcement has already instilled a sense of responsibility among the stake holders and public and it is imperative to draft the policy immediately.


Though our state tends to be a pioneer in most of the technologies and policies, we are found to be lagging behind states like Sikkim, Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Uttaranchal as far as Organic Farming is concerned.

Organic Farming strategies can be devised only based on a strong State policy. The method of implementation and agencies involved can also be defined based on a policy. Hence these attributes form a part of the State Organic Farming Policy.


To analyze the world Organic Farming Scenario and to determine our role in the global arena of Organic Farming.

To bring together eminent brains in the field of Organic Farming in the Country and State and to pool their views and knowledge on Organic Farming.