Wednesday 12th Mar 2025

Tamil Nadu Horticultural Producers Co-Operative Enterprises Limited, Chennai (TANHOPE)

Tamil Nadu Horticultural Producers Co-operative Enterprises Limited (TANHOPE) was registered as a primary Horticultural Co-operative Society at Chennai in the year 1994 under Tamil Nadu Co-operative Societies Act to benefit the small and marginal horticultural farmers. The Commissioner of Horticulture and Plantation Crops is the Special Officer and Joint Director of Horticulture is the Managing Director for TANHOPE.


  1. To promote and encourage the development of Horticulture crops.
  2. To organize marketing of Fruits and Vegetables on modern lines by means of grading, sorting and standard packaging.
  3. Marketing on Co-operative basis and marketing through retail outlets and branches and to undertake export of fresh and processed produces.
  4. So far 3904 Horticultural crop growers have been enrolled in this Society by paying a membership fee of Rs.100 per farmer.


  • TANHOPE will facilitate Joint venture Initiatives to help the farmers to market their produce and to get reasonable price.