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Saturday 27th Jul 2024

G.O's | Scheme Guidelines |


Sl. No G.O. Ms. No G.O. Ms. Dated Name of the Schemes Abstract Download
1 274 2022-11-16 MI 2022-23 - First Installment
2 228 2021-12-06 MI 2021-22 - First Installment
3 222 2021-12-01 MI 2020-21 - Third Installment
4 59 2021-03-19 MI 2020-21 - Second Installment
5 23 2021-02-04 MI 2020-21 - Balance of First installment
6 23 2021-02-04 MI 2020-21 - Balance of First installment
7 256 2020-11-06 MI 2020-21 - First Installment
8 142 2020-07-14 MI 2019-20 G.O
9 78 2020-03-31 MI 2019-20 G.O
10 16 2020-01-21 MI 2019-20 - Balance of First Installment
11 250 2019-10-29 MI Sugarcane- Additional components financial assistance
12 G.O. (MS) No.161 2019-10-23 MI GROUND WATER - Dynamic Ground Water Resources Assessment for Tamil Nadu as on March,2017 Categorization of Firkas as Over Exploited, Critical, Semi-Critical, Safe and Saline / Poor / Quality based on the Assessment in Tamil Nadu -Approved- Orders- Issued.
13 G.O. (MS) No.242 2019-10-18 MI Horticulture - Guidelines for implementation of Supplementary Water Management Activities of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY) Per Drop More Crop - Other Interventions during the year 2019-2020 - Orders - Issued.
14 242 2019-10-18 MI SWMA Guidelines- G.O
15 238 2019-10-14 MI Sugarcane G.O 2019-20
16 179 2019-08-30 MI 2019-20 - First Installment
17 80 2019-04-29 MI 2018-19 - Third Installment
18 54 2019-03-01 MI 2018-19 - Second installment
19 93 2019-02-09 MI 2018-19 - Final Installment
20 269 2018-10-26 MI 269
21 269 2018-10-26 MI Micro Irrigation- procedure to be followed
22 G.O 241 PMKSY 1st Installment 2018-19 2018-10-01 MI First Installment Report
23 241 2018-10-01 MI 2018-18 First Installment
24 G.O 148 3rd Installement 2018-19 2018-06-18 MI Third installment
25 148 2018-06-18 MI 2017-18 - Third Installment
26 138 2018-05-23 MI 2017-18 - Second Installment
27 137 2018-05-23 MI 2017-18 Admin cost G.O
28 G.O. 54. II ND Inslallment-2018-19 2018-03-01 MI Second installment
29 210 2017-08-24 MI 2017-18 - First Installment
30 9 2015-01-12 MI The Government of India have formulated a new scheme called National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) from 2014-15 by subsuming four existing Government of India Schemes viz., (i) National Mission on Micro Irrigation (NMMI), (ii) National Projec
31 75 2013-04-17 MI SF/MF- 100%, Others- 75% subsidy (Modified guidelines)
32 75 2013-04-17 MI SF/MF- 100%, Others- 75% subsidy (Modified guidelines)
33 52 2012-03-26 MI Horticulture - Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Micro Irrigation 2011-2012 - Release of State share of Rs.54.84 Crore - Orders - Issued.
34 221 2011-11-25 MI Agriculture - Horticulture - Micro Irrigation Scheme - Announcement made by Government of Tamil Nadu - Enhancement of subsidy - 100% subsidy to small and marginal farmers and 75% subsidy to other farmers - Orders – Issued.
35 221 2011-11-25 MI SF/MF- 100%, Others- 75% subsidy
36 163 2011-09-20 MI Agriculture - Horticulture - Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Micro Irrigation - Release of State Share of Rs.2056.875 lakhs - Orders - Issued.